Our mission is simple-

Empower lives. Eradicate poverty.

Impact and Achievements of the Real Helping Mind Foundation

Real Helping Mind Foundation has made a significant impact and achieved remarkable milestones in its mission to transform lives and create positive change. Through our dedicated efforts, we have empowered countless individuals and communities, providing them with access to education, healthcare, and sustainable development opportunities.

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Every day, the dedicated staff at the orphanage selflessly provide nourishing meals to over 60 children, ensuring their hunger is satisfied and their well-being is prioritized.


Every day, through the tireless efforts of the Real Helping Mind Foundation, over 60 children in need are provided with nourishing meals, serving as a source of sustenance and hope, ensuring that their hunger is relieved and their future shines brighter.


Every day, the Real Helping Mind Foundation extends its educational outreach to serve over 100 children in our community, providing them with opportunities to study and learn, empowering them with knowledge and opening doors to a brighter future.

Who We Are:

We are the Real Helping Mind Foundation, a dedicated non-governmental organization (NGO) driven by the belief that every individual deserves the opportunity to thrive and lead a meaningful life. Our foundation is built upon the principles of compassion, empowerment, and collaboration. We strive to make a positive impact by providing support, resources, and opportunities to those in need, regardless of their background or circumstances.

About Us

Real Helping Mind Foundation

The Real Helping Mind Foundation is a compassionate non-governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to empowering elderly people, orphans, and their caregivers. Since our establishment in 2017, we have been committed to addressing the holistic needs of the most vulnerable members of our community, irrespective of their gender, race, or religion.

Driving Change: Our Causes for a Better World

At the Real Helping Mind Foundation, we are passionately committed to driving change and creating a better world for all. Through our diverse causes, we tackle pressing issues and work tirelessly to make a meaningful impact. Our causes encompass a range of critical areas, including education, healthcare, sustainable development, and social justice.


Empowering Girls: Unlocking Potential, Inspiring Change

The “Empowering Girls: Unlocking Potential, Inspiring Change” course is designed to provide valuable knowledge, skills, and strategies to support and uplift girl children in their personal growth and development. This course aims to address the unique challenges faced by girls and equip individuals with the tools to make a positive impact in their lives. Through a combination of insightful lessons, practical exercises, and inspiring stories, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the issues surrounding girl child empowerment and learn effective ways to create change.

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 girls face early pregnancies each year, jeopardizing their health, education, and future prospects.

Get Involved: Empowering Change through Action and Engagement

At the Real Helping Mind Foundation, we believe that change begins with action and engagement. We invite you to join us in our mission to empower individuals and communities by getting involved in meaningful ways.

Volunteer Opportunities: By volunteering your time and skills, you can directly contribute to our projects and initiatives. Whether it’s tutoring children, assisting in healthcare camps, participating in community development programs, or lending your expertise, your involvement can make a tangible difference in the lives of those in need.

Where Your Money Goes: Transparency and Accountability in Funding

At the Real Helping Mind Foundation, we understand the importance of transparency and accountability when it comes to the funds we receive. We believe in providing our supporters with a clear understanding of where their money goes and how it is utilized to make a difference in the lives of individuals and communities.

When you donate to the Real Helping Mind Foundation, your money is allocated towards our various programs and initiatives that align with our mission and goals. These programs encompass areas such as education, healthcare, sustainable development, and social justice, among others.

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Research, Support & outreaches
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Discover Our Purpose: Making a Difference through Empowerment and Compassion

At the Real Helping Mind Foundation, our purpose is rooted in the belief that every individual deserves the opportunity to thrive and lead a meaningful life. We are driven by a deep commitment to make a positive difference in the world through empowerment and compassion.

Empowerment is at the core of our mission. We strive to empower individuals and communities by providing them with the tools, resources, and support they need to overcome challenges and build a better future. Through education, skills training, and mentorship programs, we empower individuals to unlock their potential and achieve their goals.

About Us: Empowering Lives and Building Brighter Futures

At Real Helping Mind Foundation, our mission is to empower lives and build brighter futures for individuals and communities. As a team of dedicated professionals, including doctors, we are driven by a deep commitment to make a positive impact on the well-being and quality of life of those in need.


Driving Change: Our Causes for a Better World

At the Real Helping Mind Foundation, we are passionately committed to driving change and creating a better world for all. Through our diverse causes, we tackle pressing issues and work tirelessly to make a meaningful impact. Our causes encompass a range of critical areas, including education, healthcare, sustainable development, and social justice.

At the Real Helping Mind Foundation, we are passionately committed to driving change and creating a better world for all. Through our diverse causes, we tackle pressing issues and work tirelessly to make a meaningful impact. Our causes encompass a range of critical areas, including education, healthcare, sustainable development, and social justice.

Inspiring Testimonies: Stories of Transformation and Hope

In the journey of making a positive impact on individuals and communities, we encounter countless stories of transformation and hope. These inspiring testimonies serve as powerful reminders of the resilience of the human spirit and the profound impact that empowerment and compassion can have on lives.

Within the Real Helping Mind Foundation, we have had the privilege of witnessing remarkable journeys of individuals who have overcome adversity, embraced change, and found hope in the face of challenges. These stories embody the essence of our mission and serve as beacons of inspiration for others.

Empower Change and Make a Lasting Impact.

OUR Impact

Transforming Lives: The Impact of Real Helping Mind Foundation"

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Want to Help

Educating a girl child

Educating a girl child is a powerful catalyst for positive change. When a girl has access to education, her life and the lives of those around her are transformed. Education empowers girls with knowledge, confidence, and skills that enable them to break free from the cycle of poverty. It equips them to make informed decisions about their health, pursue higher education and career opportunities, and become agents of change within their communities.



Stories of Hope

"One fateful day, while walking through the streets, James came across a group of homeless individuals huddled together for warmth. Their weary eyes and weathered faces spoke volumes about the hardships they had endured. James couldn't ignore the profound sense of compassion that surged within him. He realized that he needed to take action and offer them more than just a passing glance of sympathy. Driven by his newfound purpose, James embarked on a journey to understand the root causes of the issues plaguing his community. He spent countless hours volunteering at local shelters, soup kitchens, and organizations dedicated to social causes. Through these experiences, he gained invaluable insights into the interconnectedness of poverty, lack of education, and limited access to healthcare."

Founer Of Real Helping Mind Foundation 

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