About us

Embarking on
a Journey
of Empowerment

About Real Helping Mind Foundation

About Real Helping Mind Foundation: Empowering Minds, Transforming Lives

Real Helping Mind Foundation is a beacon of hope and an agent of change. Our foundation was born out of a deep-seated desire to make a positive impact in the lives of individuals and communities. With unwavering dedication, we strive to empower minds and transform lives, one step at a time.

At the core of our foundation is a commitment to inclusivity, equality, and social justice. We firmly believe that every individual deserves access to opportunities and resources that can unlock their full potential. Through our various programs and initiatives, we aim to bridge gaps, break barriers, and create a more equitable society.

Our team consists of passionate individuals from diverse backgrounds, united by a shared vision. With expertise in various fields, we bring together a wealth of knowledge and experience to tackle complex social issues. Together, we collaborate with local communities, organizations, and stakeholders, fostering partnerships that amplify our collective impact.

Transparency and accountability are fundamental values that guide our work. We operate with the highest level of integrity, ensuring that every resource entrusted to us is utilized effectively and responsibly. Through open communication and regular reporting, we strive to build trust and maintain the confidence of our supporters.

Education lies at the heart of our efforts. We firmly believe in the transformative power of education to uplift individuals and communities. Through scholarships, mentorship programs, and educational initiatives, we provide pathways for learning and personal growth. We empower individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to shape their own futures.

Additionally, we actively engage in sustainable development projects, aiming to create a lasting positive impact on the environment and society. From promoting renewable energy to supporting eco-friendly practices, we strive to build a future where sustainability and progress go hand in hand.

But our work is not without challenges. We face obstacles and setbacks, yet we remain steadfast in our commitment to serve those in need. We adapt, innovate, and learn from every experience, continuously seeking new solutions and approaches.

Together with our supporters, volunteers, and partners, we are writing a story of hope, resilience, and transformation. We invite you to join us on this incredible journey of empowering minds and transforming lives. Together, we can create a world where every individual has the opportunity to thrive and make a positive impact.

Our Inspiring

As James delved deeper into his mission, he recognized that addressing the immediate needs of the homeless was essential but not enough to create lasting change. He realized that a comprehensive approach was necessary to break the cycle of poverty and provide individuals with the tools to build better lives.

With this realization, James founded the Helping Mind Foundation, a non-profit organization committed to uplifting the less fortunate and empowering them to overcome adversity. Joined by a dedicated team of like-minded individuals, they set out to tackle the multifaceted issues affecting their community.

The foundation’s first step was to establish a transitional housing program that offered a safe and supportive environment for individuals experiencing homelessness. Here, residents received not only a warm bed and nourishing meals but also access to counseling, job training, and educational opportunities. Recognizing the importance of education, James and his team worked tirelessly to provide scholarships and educational resources to help individuals acquire the skills needed to secure stable employment.

Understanding that healthcare was another critical component in breaking the cycle of poverty, the foundation set up mobile clinics to bring essential medical services directly to underserved areas. They collaborated with healthcare professionals and volunteers to provide free check-ups, vaccinations, and access to vital medications. Additionally, they launched health education initiatives to promote preventive care and empower individuals to take control of their well-being.

As the foundation grew, so did their impact. They expanded their reach beyond the homeless population, extending support to low-income families, at-risk youth, and vulnerable individuals in need. Through community outreach programs, they provided resources such as food drives, clothing donations, and utility assistance, ensuring that no one was left behind.

James’s vision and dedication inspired others to join the cause. The foundation became a hub of compassion and collaboration, attracting volunteers, corporate sponsors, and community partners who recognized the importance of collective action in creating meaningful change.

Today, the Helping Mind Foundation continues to be a beacon of hope for countless individuals. Their commitment to addressing the root causes of poverty, providing education and healthcare, and fostering a sense of community has transformed lives and revitalized the spirit of their community.

James’s journey from that fateful encounter on the streets to the creation of the Helping Mind Foundation serves as a testament to the power of one person’s compassion and determination. Through his unwavering belief in the inherent worth and potential of every individual, he sparked a ripple effect of positive change that continues to touch lives and uplift communities.

key outcomes

What makes us diferent?

Holistic Approach

One thing that sets us apart as a charity or NGO is our holistic approach to addressing social issues. We recognize that problems such as poverty, education, and healthcare are interconnected and require comprehensive solutions. Instead of focusing on a single aspect, we take a multidimensional approach, considering the various factors that contribute to the challenges faced by individuals and communities. By addressing the root causes and providing a range of support services, we strive to bring about lasting and sustainable change.

Empowerment and Sustainability

 Another differentiating factor is our emphasis on empowerment and sustainability. We believe in empowering individuals to become agents of change in their own lives. Rather than fostering dependency, we provide tools, resources, and opportunities that enable people to break free from the cycle of poverty and build a better future. Our programs and initiatives are designed to promote self-reliance, skill development, and entrepreneurship, ensuring that the impact we create continues long after our direct intervention.

Collaborative Partnerships

Collaboration is at the heart of our approach. We understand that no single organization or entity can address complex social issues alone. Therefore, we actively seek out partnerships and collaborations with other charities, NGOs, government agencies, corporations, and local communities. By working together, we pool our resources, expertise, and networks to amplify our impact and create a more coordinated and effective response. These collaborative efforts enable us to leverage the collective strength and knowledge of diverse stakeholders, leading to greater outcomes for the communities we serve.

sekyanzi James

James, the founder and executive director of the Real Helping Mind Foundation, is a compassionate leader dedicated to empowering the elderly, orphaned children, and their caregivers. His personal experiences and encounters with those facing hardship inspired him to establish the foundation in 2017. James leads by example, volunteering his time and actively engaging with the community.

Nabirye magret

Nabirye Magret, the Director of Community Partnership and Relations, is a dynamic and visionary leader with a strong commitment to fostering meaningful connections between organizations and the community. With an extensive background in community development and relationship-building, Nabirye brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to her role. She possesses exceptional communication skills and a genuine passion for understanding the needs and aspirations of the community.

Semeon Simon

Semeon Simon, the Community Volunteer Coordinator at the Real Helping Mind Foundation, is a compassionate and dedicated individual with a true passion for making a positive impact in the community. With a deep understanding of the importance of volunteerism, Semeon possesses exceptional organizational and leadership skills. They excel at connecting with volunteers, inspiring them, and guiding them towards meaningful and impactful projects. Semeon’s enthusiasm and ability to motivate others create a supportive and engaging environment for volunteers to thrive and contribute their skills and time effectively. 


Board of directors

Dr Nansubuga joan

Dr. Nansubuga Joan serves as the esteemed Director of Nutrition and Child Development Programs at the Real Helping Mind Foundation. With a deep passion for improving the lives of children and a strong background in nutrition, Dr. Joan plays a vital role in ensuring the well-being and healthy development of the young beneficiaries.

Usher wahabu

Usher Wahabu serves as the Secretary and Chief Community Mobilizer at the Real Helping Mind Foundation. With a deep passion for community engagement and a strong commitment to making a positive impact, Usher plays a pivotal role in fostering collaboration and mobilizing resources to support the foundation’s mission.

Lubega jah powers

Lubega Jah Powers is an accomplished and visionary Director of Cinematography at the Real Helping Mind Foundation. With a keen eye for storytelling and a passion for capturing the essence of human experiences, Lubega plays a crucial role in visually documenting the foundation’s initiatives and spreading their message to a wider audience.


Meet Sylvia, a dedicated member of the Real Helping Mind Foundation and our esteemed Fundraising Officer based in Switzerland. With her passion for making a meaningful impact in the lives of others, Sylvia has been instrumental in leading successful fundraising initiatives to support our cause. 


Other staff members

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Be the change for one child:

Katongole Alivin

Katongole Alivin is a remarkable young boy who embodies intelligence, respect, and a strong passion for soccer. He values his personal space and finds comfort in his own solitude. With a dream of becoming one of the world’s best football coaches, Alivin possesses a natural talent for the sport and eagerly devotes his free time to playing and honing his skills. His dedication to the game is matched only by his determination to succeed. By sponsoring Alivin on a monthly basis, you can help turn his dream into a reality, empowering him to reach new heights in the world of football coaching.

Kabelenge John bosco

Kabelenge John Bosco is a resilient and courageous young child who, at just three years old, has already faced significant challenges in his life. As an orphan, John Bosco has had to navigate difficult circumstances and adapt to new environments at a young age. Despite these challenges, he displays remarkable strength and a positive spirit.

John Bosco possesses a curious and eager nature, always seeking to learn and explore the world around him. He is filled with boundless energy and a contagious joy that brightens the lives of those around him. His infectious laughter and playful nature bring a sense of warmth and happiness to those who interact with him.

Kayemba Gerald

Kayemba Gerald is a determined and ambitious individual with a strong drive for success. He possesses a natural talent for leadership and a keen ability to inspire and motivate others. Gerald aspires to make a significant impact in his chosen field, striving to achieve excellence in everything he does.

With a strong work ethic and a commitment to personal growth, Gerald continuously seeks out opportunities for learning and development. He is not afraid to take on new challenges and is always looking for ways to expand his knowledge and skills.

Gerald’s passion for innovation and problem-solving sets him apart. He approaches tasks with a creative mindset, always looking for fresh and innovative solutions. Through his determination and resourcefulness, Gerald has the ability to overcome obstacles and achieve his goals.

Our causes

We help more than 2k children every year

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